The soul within you
Governs: The soul
Hardness (Mohs): 6.5 to 7.5
Color(s): red, pink, yellow, green, orange, brown, black, violet, purple, color-changing, colorless
Transparency: Transparent to Opaque
Luster: Vitreous to Resinous
Common / Notable Locations: Worldwide with various colors from different locations.
Red garnet is believed to get its name from Latin for “seed” (granate) due to red garnet’s similarity to a pomegranate seed. There are many names for and different species of Garnet depending on their color and where they come from.
Benefits: Magnetism, Structure, Stabilizing
Since its very earliest historical references, Garnet has been considered a protective crystal. It was worn as an amulet to protect on dangerous or difficult journeys and was taken by knights on the Cruzades in order to render them invulnerable. Red garnet represents the primordial fire, the creation of the world out of chaos, purification and love. It is the gemstone of strong, intense feelings. Red garnet is a stone of regeneration and energizing. It is said to be stabilizing in that it can bring order to chaos whether internal or external.
Related Chakra: Muladhara/Root Chakra
Muladhara Chakra is the support for the weight of the physical and emotional aspects of the body as well as the root for spiritual liberation. Located at the base of the spine, this chakra is the foundation for continued growth and transformation. On the physical level it governs sexuality, survival and structure, as it relates to the kidneys, the adrenal and the spinal systems. On the mental level it represents stability as it helps manage and maintain mental balance with the daily conditions of life. On the spiritual level it is the foundation for the development of life, personality and soul.
As a Muladhara/root chakra gemstone, red garnet is said to be excellent for manifestation. It is used to ground one’s dreams in reality, bringing abundance, prosperity, and realization of those dreams. It discourages disorganized growth and brings strength. It helps in keeping a person at peace and bringing stability on all levels.
Related Planet: Sun
The Sun is known as the one who creates. Situated at the center of the solar system is an inspirer of all, the giver of life. The Sun is the indicator of the father, our ego, honors, status, fame, general vitality, respect and power. Its nature is PITTA, or fiery. It represents the self, self-realization, splendor, royalty and general well-being.
As a Sun gemstone, Red garnet benefits the wearer with strong magnetism for the goodness of life. Love, passion, vigor, warmth, respect, dignity and high status are some of the goods this gem will provide for you.
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