The mind within you
Governs: The mind
Hardness (Mohs): 6 to 6.5
Color(s): white, colorless, light bluish gray, light green, yellow, brown, gray, and black, with adularescence.
Transparency: Semitransparent to Opaque
Luster: Vitreous
Common / Notable Locations: India, Myanmar, Sri Lanka.
According to Hindu mythology, moonstone is made of solidified moonbeams, and many other cultures also associate this gem with the moonlight. Its internal structure scatters the light that hits it and creates a phenomenon known as adularescence. The visual effect is reminiscent of the full moon shining through a veil of high, thin clouds.
Benefits: Intuition, Creativity
Legends say that moonstone brings good luck and many believed that you could see the future by holding a moonstone during a full moon. In India it was considered the stone of the gods and goddesses, of hope and spiritual purity. It is said to combat materialism and strengthen the faith of religious people in all cultures. A stone of fertility, it is used in Arabia by women who want to have a baby and to regulate the female cycle. In India it’s regarded as a “dream stone” and is supposed to bring its bearer beautiful dreams.
Related Chakra: Svadhisthana/Sacral Chakra
Svadhisthana Chakra is the abode of the true self. In combination with Muladhara Chakra, these two chakras initiate the awakening of the individual self. This chakra is located in the fluidal plexus area, right behind the genital area. On the physical level it relates to the abdomen, pancreas, liver, and kidneys and is responsible for all fluids in this part of the body. On the mental level it governs our joy and creativity, and our emotional state. On the spiritual level it relates to our sensitivity and intuition, and it allows us to connect deeply with our inner source of true inspiration.
As a sacral chakra gemstone Moonstone connects us to Divine Inspiration, and channels it into our own intuition. Moonstone encourages introspection and judgment, yielding to easier decision making. Moonstone also enhances one's emotional vision, bringing greater creative abilities and freedom of expression.
Related Planet: Moon
The Moon nurtures the living beings and classifies various festivals, combinations and the months. On the full moon day and during the rising of moon, offerings are made to free a man from all the pains and sorrows. The Moon is an indicator of the mother, and females in general, the public, general well-being and happiness, femininity and beauty, the eyesight, memory and the mind. Its nature is KAPHA, or watery. It represents emotions, inclinations, sleep, fame, mother, travel and happiness.
As a Moon gemstone, Moonstone benefits the wearer with intuition and helps with mental afflictions, controlling anger, bringing mental peace. Love, affection and vitality are some of the goods this gem will provide for you.
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