The Change within you
Governs: Evolution
Hardness (Mohs): 7 to 7.5
Color(s): Brown, brownish yellow, orange-red, brownish orange, yellow
Transparency: Transparent to translucent
Luster: Vitreous
Common / Notable Locations: Burma (Myanmar), Canada, Russia, Sri Lanka
The garnet family comprises a proud variety of the noblest and finest gemstones. Hessonite belongs to the grossularite garnet group, being the longest known gemstone in this group. Also known as “cinnamon stone” it owes this name to its deep orange-brown color.
Benefits: Transformation, Refinement, Transitionary Evolution
Hessonite helps people suffering from mental inequalities, or having argumentative and insecure personalities. It is also know to transform discord, depression, and disequilibrium, and energize the person into thinking new ideas and re-inventing a more refreshing way of life.
Related Chakra: Ajna/Third Eye Chakra
The Ajna chakra is located between the two eyebrows in the pineal and pituitary glands. Focusing on this chakra allows the mind to be detached from the mundane attachments of life and helps us achieve a higher consciousness and a state of being where the Universal Eye is able to see everything the physical eyes cannot see or understand. When we are able to see clearly through this cosmic eye, then the true visions of life on a physical and spiritual level can be seen and appreciated.
As an Ajna Chakra gemstone, Hessonite helps us enhance our clairvoyant abilities, giving us greater perceptive abilities and awareness. It helps us transfer our vibrations to a higher frequency, and achieve greater knowledge and wisdom.
Related Planet: Rahu
The North Node of the Moon is called RAHU in Vedic astrology and the South Node is called KETU. They are called dark or shadow planets, because of the Nodes’ association with the phenomena of eclipses. Rahu means to conceal, engulf or hide in Sanskrit. It is associated with the world of material manifestation and worldly desire. Rahu is associated with the spiritual process of involution, or the engrossing of spirit in materialization. Rahu is indicator of worldly desire, fame, greed, high intelligence, manipulation, obsessive behavior, mass disease, dementia and inertia. The nature of Rahu is Vata, or Airy. Rahu is instrumental in strengthening ones power and converting even an enemy into a friend. Rahu represents paternal grandfather, harsh speech, gambling, movement, traveling, outcasts, foreigners, wickedness, widow(er).
As a Rahu gemstone, Hessonite benefits the wearer with transformation and change. Mental and spiritual equilibrium are some of the goods this gem will provide for you.
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