The Student within you
Governs: Expression
Hardness (Mohs): 6.5 to 7
Color(s): From brownish to yellowish green to greenish yellow.
Transparency: Transparent to Translucent
Luster: Vitreous to Oily
Common / Notable Locations: Myanmar (Burma), Pakistan, United States.
Peridot was already in use for jewelry in Egypt in the second millennium BC. Its name may stem from the Arab “faridat”, meaning “precious stone”. Brought to Europe by the crusaders, it often served as a decorative gem for Christian altars. An interesting fact is that this gem has also been found in some meteorites.
Benefits: Prosperity, Peace, Compassion
Peridot has always been associated with light. The Egyptians called it the “gem of the sun”. This stone enhances emotional clarity; transforms instinct into feeling, desire into tenderness, attraction into calm love, and passion into long-lasting tenderness. It decreases anxiety, impatience, and depressing ideas. It encourages forgiveness and strengthens common sense.
Related Chakra: Anahata/Heart Chakra
Located in the heart plexus Anahata Chakra is residence of purity and selfless love, the home of love and compassion, and the driving force of our dedication and devotion to higher consciousness. It represents the eternal vibration and pulsation of the physical and universal existence. On the physical level it relates to circulation, the cardiac system and has some relationship with the respiratory system. On the mental level it represents our passion for life, existence, confidence, and responsibility of actions of self and towards others. On the spiritual level, the spirit of true self resides in this chakra. It incubates and illuminates the compassionate nature of our being.
As an Anahata Chakra gemstone Peridot brings compassion to the heart enhancing the healing and harmony of relationships of all kinds, but particularly marriage. It assists in rebirth and renewal of all kinds. Peridot also brings abundance and prosperity to our spiritual self.
Related Planet: Mercury
Mercury in Vedic astrology is known as BUDHA, the awakened discriminating intellect and the part of us that knows. Mercury is indicator of intelligence, commerce, education, communication, writing, scholars and astrologers. Its nature is VATA, or Airy. Mercury represents discrimination, speech, expression, learning, logic, knowledge and profession, friends.
As a Mercury gemstone, Peridot benefits the wearer with prosperity and intelligence. Memory, humor, success and achievements are some of the goods this gem will provide for you.
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