The Teacher within you
Governs: Knowledge
Hardness (Mohs): 7
Color(s): Pale Yellow through strong yellow to yellowish orange
Transparency: Transparent to Translucent
Luster: Vitreous
Common / Notable Locations: Brazil, Bolivia, Spain
Citrine is a quartz variety. Its name was derived from the Latin word citrus, meaning “citron” (a fruit closely related to lemon). This gem combines a warm attractive color with good wearability. It is the top sought after transparent gem in the yellow to orange color range.
Benefits: Spirituality, Creation, Expansion
Citrine gets its name from its lemon yellow color. Like this citrus fruit, it is invigorating and energizing. Its radiance adds gentleness to its reinvigorating strength. Although it can help find fullness and inner peace, it also has the capacity to encourage to action. It strengthens our inner light and stimulates us to manifest our dreams. This gemstone strengthens creativity and is ideal for artists of all kinds. It strengthens intelligence and the intellectual faculties of concentration and wisdom.
Related Chakra: Guru Chakra
Guru Chakra is located right above Ajna Chakra and is the gatekeeper to spiritual realization and liberation. It is in the Guru Chakra where the Guru, Master, or Teacher shares, encourages and enforces the disciple’s spiritual practices. It acts as a bridge from the Ajna Chakra to the Sahasara Chakra and so it becomes the path considered by the realized sages, as the true path of life and the sole purpose of our existence. Guru Chakra is also considered the inner temple, or the meeting place of devotee and guru during times of meditation and deep contemplation. It is a place where guru interacts with disciple on a deeper subconscious level to assist him/her on their path to liberation.
As a Guru Chakra gemstone Citrine blesses with prosperity and intelligence, helps to be on virtuous paths and protects in every calamity. It assists in meditation, psychic awareness, and spiritual development. It paves the way for this spiritual and psychic growth.
Related Planet: Jupiter
The planet Jupiter in Vedic astrology is known as GURU, BRIHASPATI, and DEVAGURA. In Sanskrit these names mean, "Teacher, lord of light, and teacher to the gods” and is generally considered to be the most auspicious of the planets. Jupiter is known as JIVA, the consciousness of the soul representing the individuality of self. Jupiter is indicator of fortune, wealth, fame, luck, devotion and faith, spirituality, charity, morality, meditation, children, magistrates, ministers, lawyers and leaders in government and religion. His nature is KAPHA, or watery. Jupiter represents wisdom, learning, benevolence, philosophy, devotion to God and superior beings, scriptures, holy places, religion, wealth and respect.
As a Jupiter gemstone, Citrine benefits the wearer with deeper spirituality. Spiritual thoughts, spiritual advancements, good fortune, health and success are some of the goods this gem will provide for you.
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